life updates + bujo with me

life updates

needless to say, staying at home with not a lot to do means cleaning the house a lot which was what we did for like the entire first week of the lockdown. nothing major, but mostly simple stuff we sometimes miss doing when there’s school and so much other things to do: mopping the floors and dusting the ceilings, etc. i thought we were going to repaint the walls because what was once white has now faded to like, a really light cream. but we haven’t gotten around to that yet.

other universities have cancelled online classes too in consideration of the students who might not have access to good internet (third world problems sighs**), but the college i go to did not so we’ve been having this school from home thing for a week now. we still have online lectures and homeworks and quizzes and stuff. the only thing that changed was that i no longer need to suffer through 4 hours of commute everyday just to get to school. i also no longer need to wake up at 4 am every morning to do so! these days i’ve been waking up maybe half an hour before my classes start, which is 8:30 am most days of the week or 10 am on some.

bullet journaling

now the thing is, i still don’t have a set organization method that i could say works for me, after such a long time of experimenting with bujos and planners and all sorts of apps from play store, i still very much have not settled on any method in particular. i tried bullet journaling before, but with all the time needed to put into updating each spread and stuff, it’s been long since i stopped. but with this lockdown going on, i have time so i gave it another try. here are some pics of my latest experiments:


a term overview page which will have every exam date and important events covered by the entire term. an extra month in case our term is extended because of the coronavirus lockdown. i also did a weekly spread of sorts,


which i tore away after because i didn’t like it.


instead i made it more journal like and completely layout free so i can do whatever i want with it each time i do update it.


so that’s it for today’s post. i think I’ll write a currently listening post next, because map of the soul: 7 really isn’t an album i can stand not writing about haha. bye for now!


3 thoughts on “life updates + bujo with me

  1. Wow you actually filled yours up here!!
    Most people just post the new versions of the how their bullet journals look in the beginning, and although I love them, I’ve always wondered how to fill them up.
    (I’ve never had a bujo)

    So wow! I didnt realise the journals would look even better after filling!❤xx

    Liked by 1 person

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